How much exercise does it take to lose weight? Apparently a lot more than you previously believe. A new study just came out saying that daily, moderate exercise of 30 minutes doesn't do much to remove the bulge. OK. Let's think this through. A pound of fat equals 3,500 calories; so when you eat fewer calories than your body naturally burns, that amount adds up, and when it reaches 3,500, you lose one pound. Exercise accelerates that count. Now, 30 minutes of moderate exercise burns off about 6-7 calories a minute. That's about 200 calories -- not a lot, but it adds up. So, let's put this all together. If you burn off about 200 exercise calories a day but still eat, let's say, an entire pepperoni pizza for dinner, you're not going to lose weight. But if you cut calorie intake and exercise, the long term benefit will be a healthier, thinner you. So don't give up that treadmill. Just realize that exercise alone won't do the trick. Unless you run marathons.
Illustration by Duane Hoffmann / MSNBC
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