One could reasonable argue that global warming is overblown and that its impact on climate change is gradual and part of a normal cycle. But you know that's a bunch of turd -- the seemingly endless stories of drought-, hurricane-, flood- and fire-ravaged areas and the untold suffering of millions tell us that something is drastically changing with our climate, and that change is upsetting the systemic balance of what keeps society afloat ... and alive. Just read this, for example. Not to go all Al Gore on you, but the phenomenon of global warming generally accelerates and worsens climatic extremes -- meaning harsher storms, more severe droughts, stuff like that. And youbetcha that affects human health in a big ugly way. Clean water becomes less accessible; food becomes harder to grow. People starve and die of disease. Just like what's happening in West Timor. Here's something else to chew on, too.
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