OK, I'll admit it -- I like smoking. I enjoyed smoking. I miss it sometimes. But, geez, the data keeps piling up on all the bad things smoking does for you: cancer, lung problems, heart disease, and on and on and on. And you stink, too. Teeth, yuck. So the folks at Health.com put together this little survey showing what your heart attack risk is if you do or you don't smoke. (Little hint: smoking is not good for you here, either.) What was interesting is that the risk gap shrinks significantly in your 60s. So when I hit my 60s, should I start lighting up again? Na. I like breathing.
Since I live in California, my drinking establishments have been smoke free for 10 years now, and frankly, we're better off for it. It's nice to see how the rest of the country ... and the world ... is following our lead and nixing cigs in bars and restaurants. Last year I was in Paris, and I was even surprised at how few Parisian were sucking down the cancer sticks. I reminded them that they were being good Americans. That went over well.
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