Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hi, I'm Tom Vasich, and welcome to my Healther Shelter blog. By trade, I handle communications and PR for UC Irvine Health Sciences, but I've had a life-long interest with health issues. I want to use this blog to share a rational view of human health, which, when considering all the conflicting and sensational information we see daily, can sometimes get lost in a barrange of data. Hence the title "Healther Shelter" -- this blog is an edifice under which you will be protected from the rain, sleet and snow of the multi-billion-dollar industry.

However, I must provide this disclaimer: I'm in the PR trade for a major university medical school, so you have every right to question my views. But I promise this: the perspectives I will present will be my own, and if I present any information from the University of California, I will provide a proper disclaimer.

Now, let's go.

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